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We all benefit from the physical boundaries of lanes on the highway, the fences that mark our yards, the walls that divide rooms in our...

Celebration of Time

This talk is power-packed with the encouragement to embrace the gift of time that exists in your life. No matter the obstacles you face...

Conflict Connection

Join both Greeta and Missy in exploring the idea that resolving conflict is more about relational dynamics than differing ideas or...

Love Is

This talk is a challenging and humorous look at what God meant by His definition of love. So often, love in our culture is looked at as...

Misconceptions of Motherhood

When laundry, groceries, and carpool are the primary activities of your day for 18 years, it's important to spend time being reminded of...


We’ve seen what happens when screens become our deepest connection with the world. We’ve witnessed the destruction of relationships...


Why would a God who loves us ask us to forgive those who knowingly wound us? Some things are just unforgivable. Aren't they? Betrayal,...

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